Tag: alibaba mobile commerce

M-commerce revenues at Alibaba have grown by 192 percent

The Chinese retail giant has managed to solidly secure the top spot title for itself in mobile shopping.

Following a massively successful Singles’ Day over m-commerce at Alibaba, it was already clear that the company had risen to the top when it came to mobile shopping, but now some more specific statistics have been revealed to show exactly how successful that company has become when it comes to catering to smartphone using consumers.

The third quarter earnings at Alibaba had already confirmed that it was well in the lead of mobile retail.

The company, itself, confirmed its position in the lead of m-commerce when it described just how much mobile shopping has had an impact on the business at its overall marketplace. Even though China has been facing some economic struggles, the retailer was still able to show exactly how powerful mobile commerce could be in not only obtaining new customers but also retaining them. It was able to build its active shopper base by over 5 percent, which equated to over 21 million within the one quarter containing Singles’ Day.

Essentially, when it comes to m-commerce, the CEO, Danial Zhang said it best, “We’re crushing mobile.”

He made this rather astute statement while speaking at a call with analysts. Zhang was far from exaggerating, when taking into consideration that the revenues the company has earned within the Chinese marketplace have increased by 35 percent when compared to the year before. This represents a rise to $4.43 billion in earnings over where it had been in 2014. That said, when looking at mobile commerce, specifically, the company saw an astounding 192 percent growth in its revenues, bringing it to about $2.89 billion.

The revenue growth of the company, as a whole, was around 32 percent during the quarter, which saw about $5.33 billion. Of the profits reached approximately $1.9 billion during that single quarter.

There was a growth in the number of active buyers on the overall retail marketplaces owned by Alibaba, which brought the total figure to 407 million within that quarter. The number of active m-commerce shoppers reached 393 million during that quarter. That meant that there were 47 million more than the quarter before.

Alibaba is helping change mobile commerce in China

Mobile industry is experiencing evolution with the help of companies like Alibaba

China’s mobile industry is beginning to evolve, largely due to Alibaba users that have become very interested in the concept of mobile commerce. Consumers throughout the country are moving away from traditional computers, favoring their mobile devices when it comes to shopping, researching, and purchasing products they are interested in. Alibaba has been known to take advantage of emerging market trends in order to find success and this is why the company has become heavily involved in the mobile commerce space.

Report highlights the growth of mobile commerce in China

A recent report from eMarketer showed that mobile commerce in China is growing, and Alibaba is playing a major role in this growth. The company has invested quite heavily in the mobile space, looking to encourage consumers to use their mobile devices to purchase products online and in physical stores. As such, Alibaba customers have become more heavily involved in mobile commerce. They have also been exposing new people to the concept of mobile commerce by showing them how easy it is to shop online with a smartphone or tablet.

Alipay drives the growth of China’s mobile commerce market

One of the driving factors of Alibaba’s continued success in the mobile commerce space is its Alipay platform. The platform is the most well known mobile payments service in China, with millions of people using the service to pay for products both online and off. Alipay has also fostered excitement among consumers regarding new retail trends. More retailers are beginning to focus on the mobile space, which means that they are showing more support for mobile payments being made through services like Alipay.

Companies are growing more mobile-centric

As consumers become more interested in mobile commerce, China’s mobile industry is expected to experience a significant shift. More companies are expected to become more mobile-centric in order to meet the needs of consumers. This trend is already being seen in the retail industry, where several companies have embraced mobile commerce as a way to effectively engage a new generation of consumers with smartphones.

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