Category: Social Media Marketing

Geolocation partnership declared between SocialVibe and Placecast

Geolocation PartnershipThe two companies will also work together to provide a virtual currency service to consumers.

SocialVibe, a digital ad company, and Placecast, a location-based mobile marketing business, have just announced that they will be working together to bring together geolocation and virtual currency that can be amassed by consumers through gaming and online browsing behaviors.

This service will target mobile shoppers who are seeking retail discounts at local shops.

The partnership between these two companies marries the digital marketing platform from SocialVibe with the geofencing technology from Placecast, in order to improve and enhance the consumer experience. In order to take advantage of these geolocation technology benefits, a consumer will need to travel near to the actual physical location of the store. This will trigger the discount opportunities.

The entire geolocation discount experience is based on an opt-in program.

Within it, the consumer can choose the specific brands from which he or she would like to receive geolocation based discount alerts. Every time they opt in for a program, they use virtual currency that is connected to an online activity or social game in which he or she is participating. When that individual travels near to the brick and mortar storefront that is linked to that specific brand program, it triggers a geofence, which then sends the consumer an SMS alert. This could include anything from a reminder of the currency that has been earned to a specific discount offer.

The partnership provides a new way of interacting with consumers (through their online browsing and gaming habits), in order to develop them into a geolocation marketing strategy based on his or her physical position, which then makes offers for in store discounts and other benefits.

It is not yet known which games will be available to the consumers as a result of this new partnership. However, the technology is already being tested, said the director of business development at SocialVibe, Chris LoRusso.

The new partnership will work with geolocation technologies as well as SMS messaging, which means that it is not necessary for the user to have a smartphone provided that he or she simply opts in.

Social media marketing from Facebook and Pinterest most successful offline

These two industry leaders are generating more in store action than other networks.

A new social media marketing survey conducted by ACTIVE Network has revealed that 47 percent of social network users have taken offline action in some way following an interaction on one of those sites.

These actions consisted of such behaviors as making a purchase, meeting someone, or participating in an event.

Social media marketing and consumer behaviors from five networks were examined within the survey. They included Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Google+, and LinkedIn. Among them all, it was determined that Facebook was the greatest driver of offline actions. In fact 87 percent of the users of that site had taken part in at least one offline action as a result of an online interaction there.

The second social media marketing position was taken by relative newcomer, Pinterest.

Pinterest’s social media marketing generated offline action among 70 percent of its users. Next was LinkedIn, with 60 percent, then Twitter, at 56 percent, and finally Google+ at 37 percent. The ACTIVE Network study was entitled “Beyond the Click”.

Also determined through this study was that Facebook and LinkedIn were the leaders in social media marketing that brought about personal connections and meetings in person. These two networks frequently led to meeting offline as well as building direct contacts. In fact, 70 percent of the users of Facebook have gone on to make direct contact with someone because of an interaction that had occurred on the site. Comparatively, 56 percent of LinkedIn users experienced the same result after an interaction on that network.

Similarly, among Facebook users, 40 percent had actually met someone in person because of an interaction that had occurred on that website, where 25 percent of LinkedIn members had done the same thing for that reason.

When it came to event attendance, the leaders were Facebook and Twitter. At Facebook, 58 percent of users had attended an offline event following social media marketing on that site, whereas 31 percent of Twitter users had done the same thing because of what they’d experienced on that network.

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