
Overwatch QR code may reveal new hero details

The quick response code has been decoded and suggest Sombra will be the newest character.

A new Overwatch QR code has caused a tremendous amount of noise among gamers. This has only added to the excitement following the video recently released by Blizzard. Reports have shown that a barcode has revealed the identity of the latest character to join.

Fans have been speculating regarding the next character for the last while and this has grown with the latest clues.

The Blizzard studio recently released a new video about the first downloadable character in the game, Ana. At the end of the video, there was a short length of “TV snow”, or static interference. This drew the suspicion and interest of many of the biggest fans of the game. It launched a tremendous amount of discussion over social media. Finally, it has been revealed that there was an Overwatch QR code buried within that snow.

Fans have been attempting to retrieve the Overwtach QR code in order to properly scan it.

Now that this has been accomplished, discussions on Reddit have shown that it leads to a brief message in Spanish. It translated to “Was that easy? Now that I have your attention, let’s make things more difficult.” To many fans, this pointed directly to Sombra as the next hero of the game. In Spanish, that name means “shadow.” This also helps to explain why the clue was hidden in the method chosen by the studio.

Sombra is an Overwatch character known for being stealthy, which aligns well with the message shared through the QR code scan. In fact, she is so adept at stealth that she may be impossible to see. After all, a video has shown other heroes – such as Reinhardt, Tracer and Reaper – appearing to call an opponent who is completely invisible.

This Overwatch QR code has certainly managed to get the rumor mill moving. It will be interesting to view the reactions of the fans as a new character is introduced to the game. That said, it’s important to point out that Blizzard has not yet officially confirmed that there will be a new character in the game, let alone an actual identity for that person.

Mobile shopping assistant to make shopping at Macy’s easier

Macy’s has partnered with IBM Watson to enhance consumer shopping experience.

An AI mobile shopping assistant tool has been launched by Macy’s at 10 of its stores nationwide. The famous and popular American department store chain developed its shopping assistant called “Macy’s on Call” with IBM Watson. The mobile companion is a cognitive mobile web tool designed to help shoppers as they navigate through Macy’s stores.

Customers can use their smartphone assistant to answer their questions.

This is the pilot stage for Macy’s mobile shopping assistant. The mobile tool, which was created in partnership with IMB Watson through intelligent engagement platform Satisfi, will be tested throughout the pilot stage at the 10 stores.

Via the mobile browser on the consumer’s personal device, they can ask questions related to the Macy’s store. For instance, a mobile customer could ask where a particular brand, department or service is located in the participating store. The assistant, which uses artificial intelligence (AI) essentially acts like a sales associate, answering their questions. It uses natural language and provides feedback within a matter of seconds.

A Spanish language feature will eventually be added to broaden its user base.

The mobile shopping assistant is part of Macy’s strategy to reinvent its business and improve sales.

Macy’s Group Vice President of Digital Media Strategy Serena Potter told the Associated Press that “We want to improve the shopping experience. We want the customers to shop at Macy’s and come back.”

The goal of the retail giant is to boost sales while freeing up employees so they can cater to more complicated customer requests.

According to the vice president of IBM Watson, Stephen Gold, once trained, the technology can register if customers become frustrated based on their answers and it can alert a sales associate. This technology is similar to AI the company is working on with other brands like North Face and 1-800 Flowers. In these cases, however, the AI tech answers questions on their websites.

Macy’s is working hard to improve its sales, which have plummeted. The company has cut its full-year profit and revenue outlook for the year and has slashed thousands of jobs. Implementing its new mobile shopping assistant, Macy’s on Call, is part of its business reinvention strategy.

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