Author: Writer

What Google Glass Needs to do to Succeed

Google Glass is an incredible concept –

the promise of true augmented reality that can be worn seamlessly on our faces and that will then provide us with live, updated information of the world around us as and when we need it. The way the device works is simple – it picks up information about the world around you using a built-in-camera, and then displays this information on a tiny screen suspended just in the periphery so that we can see it when necessary. At the same time the device will be listening for voice commands as well as gesture controls at the side of the device. This way it can then display directions to help us get to wherever we need to be, it can bring up the results of a quick Google Search, and it record footage of whatever the wearer is seeing.

The possible applications are almost endless, and the implications are truly exciting. But then there’s no guarantee that Google Glass will take off and prove to be the hit we all want it to be. The Oculus Rift (a VR headset) was recently released to developers and has quickly generated a huge buzz as well as a lot of exciting software. On the other hand though, the Leap Motion controller which was initially announced to mass enthusiasm has ended up being something of a disappointment as developer support just failed to emerge and firmware bugs rendered it not quite the amazing device it could have been.

So the question is, how can Google make sure that their glass project becomes a hit in the vain of the Oculus rather than a disappointment?

Get the Developers on Board

For starters, Google need to make sure that developers are behind their product from day one. The smartphone industry has shown us just what a huge difference this can make – with mobile ecosystems living and dying on the number of apps they have.

There’s no way that Google can envisage every possible use for their device, but put it in the hands of developers and pretty soon you will begin to see creative uses springing up and that all-important ‘killer app’ will be only a matter of time.

How do Google ensure developer support? First it means supporting those developers – by providing the best possible SDK and instructions with regular updates and lots of communication. At the same time it means rewarding development – currently all apps on Glass are free downloads which does little to entice creative who want to earn a little money. It also means making sure not to implement too many restrictions – allowing developers to access as much of the device as possible to really get every possible use out of it.

Have a Smart Strategy

For many, the idea of Google Glass is going to be a hard sell. Glass has obvious appeal to early adopters, but the average Joe is hardly going to want to wear something so borg-looking in public and risk being the subject of ridicule.

Thus Google are going to need to have a smart marketing campaign and strategy in place in order to see mass adoption. This might mean targeting those early adopter types and those developers in a very direct way to make sure that there’s an elite ‘core’ of users with the devices. This will instantly make Glass more desirable and fashionable, and you will start to see more people wearing them as a result until they become commonplace.

At the same time Google should do everything they can to try and promote the core ideas behind Glass so that people know what they’re seeing and start to get used to it.

Make it Practical

There are a few practical challenges that Google need to overcome if they want to make Glass ‘must have’. For one, battery life could be a deal breaker so that’s something that should be increased as soon as possible. At the same time it’s also important that Google find a way to give Glass its own connection soon rather than relying on wireless tethering – something that not everyone is familiar or comfortable with and that is as such always going to be restrictive.

These are just some of the challenges that Google need to face if they’re going to make a hit of Google Glass. Let’s just hope they manage it, because the promise for something spectacular is definitely there…

Author Bio

The author of this post, Nancy Baker, is a freelance blogger who is currently writing for Papersavers, providers of leading shredder services in Toronto. An audiophile, Nancy likes to listen to artists and music from different genres. You can also follow her on Twitter @Nancy Baker.

Keep in mind, a good design! Things to think about when designing a good m-commerce app

We are right in the middle of the shopping season which is a good enough reason to once again remind ourselves how e-commerce, and m-commerce, in particular, has gained prominence in the recent years. The m-commerce revolution is led by cleverly designed secure mobile apps. If you want to design one yourself, here are some tips for the same.

Cyber Monday, 2013 was the biggest online shopping day in the history of both shopping and Internet with a 20.6 % increase in online sales as per the findings from IBM. Another interesting fact is that mobile sales lead the way, exceeding 17 percent of the total online sales. It’s been some time now that we are witnessing a consumer drift away from the brick-and-mortar retailers such as Wal-Mart Stores amongst others. This drift is in clear relation to the increasing use of smartphones and other mobile devices for shopping.

Although the consumer still prefers desktop experience over mobile buying, the share of mobile commerce is growing rapidly and that is why everyone cares about having a good m-commerce app.

M-commerce has taken over the world by surprise by providing solutions that traditional offline channels could never even think of. A clear understanding of the current shopping trend and consumer behavior on mobile is the key to the new marketing strategies of retailers. To ensure a fulfilling experience for the consumer, the mobile app developer must identify the dynamics between consumers and their connected devices. This way one can create a more compelling mobile shopping experience that will attract new customers and build loyalty with the existing ones. Here are some tips to create a better mobile application for commerce:

What works for you?

Before you even start with the process of designing a mobile app, find out what already works well for your consumers. If you have an e-commerce website it is well worth studying which product category get the maximum traction and which receive the least.  This will provide you an idea about which features should make it your mobile app and which are not worth it so as to provide the customers with meaningful mobile experience.     For example, if you are a multi-brand retailer with multiple product categories and consumers prefer your books section more than anything else, then it makes sense to make the books category easily visible and accessible in your mobile application as well.

A careful execution

Just including different features isn’t going to win the war for you in this tightly competed world of commerce. To make a real mark, and that refers to winning the customer loyalty, your features must execute in a seamless and smooth manner. A poorly executed mobile offering is surely going to upset consumers, many of them spilling bad blood about your app in the market causing a greater harm. If your mobile app faces consistent problems regarding the different functions, then it is better to take it off the market, right the wrong and then put the improved version back for the consumer’s perusal. Thinking anything is better than nothing and putting up a buggy and half-baked version is surely going to lose you the trust of even your loyal customers.

The homepage is most important

Consumers expect nothing less than best, whether they visit a desktop site or a mobile version. The home page of your mobile application is the gateway to the entire feature set and therefore should be designed most carefully. The interface should be intuitive and design eye-catching. Features such as searching for available products and using filters to select a particular product category should be easy to find and use. Your app should be a balance of mobile optimized design and non-optimized mobile design.

Pay heed to customer feedback

Every marketplace has a feature of app review, whether it is the Google Play or iTunes or Windows store. These reviews are the most important places a mobile app developer should never dare ignore. Even just a few honest reviews will make you aware of the strong points and the weaknesses of your app. Paying heed to what customer is saying is the easiest way to self improvement. For, without a doubt, customer is king and the more you seek their input out front the better.

Plan for future

Mobile is an ever evolving space. What is relevant today might be intrusive tomorrow. To catch the nerve of customer, you must be aware with the latest trends and try to incorporate improvements in the app accordingly.

Author Bio:-

Saurabh Tyagi is a budding online blogger and social media enthusiast. He keeps an eye on the latest employment trends and offers expert advice on various issues and topics pertaining to choosing the right career path. Search graphics design jobs.

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