Tag: mobile internet

Mobile internet to explode in value by 2018

It is estimated that it will be worth even more than Apple in only three years from now.

As smartphone penetration starts to approach its maximum possible capacity, the sales of these devices has slowed quite a bit, but at the same time, the use of the mobile internet, and its value, has been rapidly rising.

By the year 2018, smartphone sales will have dropped to less than 10 percent per year.

Over the last ten years, mobile networks have seen only 5 percent growth. That said, there are areas where growth has been sky high. Among them is in the mobile internet, which is considered to be one of the areas in which growth is the greatest in the smartphone and tablet industries. Even as Apple continues to take off and Xiaomi is headed upward, nonstop, the m-internet is reigning over them all.

A recent forecast has predicted that from now to 2018 there will be a near tripling in the revenue growth over the mobile internet.

The forecast was issued by Digi-Capital, which has predicted that last year’s revenue growth of $300 billion will take off to reach $850 by the close of 2018. This means that the market over which Apple has been ruling could soon be worth more than that company, itself.

Even though the smartphone and tablet based internet is already vast, it is in a constant state of evolution. Mobile commerce is the core of its growth and it explains why many tech and financial giants are looking in that direction for their investments. These sectors, as well as mobile marketing, are playing a continual game of leapfrog with the also lucrative in-app purchasing segment. By 2018, it looks as though in-app purchases will be holding a solid second place to m-commerce’s lead.

Also contributing to that shift in the balance on the mobile internet is that app developers are currently seeking to recreate their business models in order to overcome the barriers presented by a rapidly shifting marketplace. As consumers change their expectations and demands, applications and their various revenue generating components, must redefine themselves just as quickly.

Pew research shows mobile technology has not yet replaced home internet

A recent study has shown that despite the popularity of smartphones, they are still not the top internet access devices.

The results of a new Pew study have now been released and they looked into the mobile technology usage of 2,188 smartphone users, asking them about the way they depend on those devices for their internet access.

What they found was that the home broadband experience is still preferred to smartphone based internet.

The research indicated that the mobile technology device owners who are relying on those gadgets are more likely to be those who use them for vital services and job hunting. Moreover, those who use the devices as their primary internet connection are also those who have experienced financial hardship and who are more likely to have their smartphone service cut off.

This reveals quite a bit about the way that mobile technology is being used as a source of internet connection.

According to a co-author of the study, Aaron Smith, explained that “That momentary inconvenience could be the difference between hearing back from a job and being able to apply for a job.” He went on to add that “This could affect their financial situation in a meaningful way.”

This data shows that approximately 64 percent of adult Americans own smartphones, and among them, about 7 percent don’t have any other type of high speed internet access at home. The study referred to those users as “smartphone dependent”. They face limitations with regards to their internet usage options, aside from their smartphones, when it comes to going online. Some of their only alternative choices would be local community centers and libraries.

The report also indicated that among all owners of smartphones have an annual household income that is lower than $30,000, just about half of them had said that they had been forced to pause or even cancel their smartphone service as a result of money struggles. Moreover, 51 percent of them also said that they occasionally or even frequently max out their data plans.

The cessation of internet service over mobile technology could have been potentially devastating for households within the annual income level that was lower than $30,000 per year, as they were also those that were four times more likely to submit a job application over their smartphones than people who were doing better financially.

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