Social media marketing price alert feature added to Pinterest

The network has now launched its latest feature that will help people to find better mobile commerce deals.

Pinterest has just announced that it has launched a new social media marketing feature that is designed to help consumers to be able to obtain price alerts that can help them to find the best deals for purchasing the various items that they see over the network.

Until now, the website has essentially been a digital window shopping experience for consumers.

Usually, people will “pin” the items that they would hope to have but that they may never actually purchase. This latest social media marketing service is being launched close on the heels of the “pin price” feature that gave users the ability to view the current price of the items that they have pinned. As a complementary service, the new price alerts feature will allow users to be able to watch the latest in changes in the price tags of the items that have caught their eye.

This new social media marketing experience emails a user when a product’s price is reduced.

This new social media feature is an opt-in service. Therefore, users can choose whether or not to receive the price alerts. If they wish to receive them, they simply need to pin the items they are interested in watching to one of their boards. They will then begin receiving emails whenever there is a reduction in the price of that item.

Pinterest has taken special precautions to help to make certain that there will not be any unintentional spamming produced by this social media marketing strategy. Representatives from the network have explained that they will help to prevent this from occurring by consolidating various prices into a minimum number of emails. They will create as few emails as possible while still providing the user with benefits. Should the email frequency still be too high, the user can use their account settings to change the frequency at which they receive the alerts.

Pinterest is hoping that this new social media marketing effort will help to boost the value of the site and that by partnering with a number of large and independent retailers, the site will stand out from among other mobile commerce websites in assisting shoppers to find the best deals.

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