In the virtual world of Internet, hacker can attack without any prior notice that means anywhere at any time and anyone can become the victim of the online threats. Being bankrupt by hackers, blacklisted due to malware attacks and such can be the worst nightmares.

There are plenty of things, one should take care of while using internet. Avoiding even the smallest of the mistake may lead to a huge loss. Security begins at home. Yes, it is the new saying. If you want to work safely on the Internet there are some ground rules to be follow in order to ensure the security.

Following are the FOUR mistakes one should definitely avoid:

Not concealing your social activities

Limit the exposure of your private data on the social websites, says Brad Gobble, senior manager of information security at Mozy, which provides online backup service. Avoid entering of full name, age or residence addresses. As far as the sharing of the images are concerned, Gobble warns not to share images displaying your car’s number plate or house’s number or the street address.

Not encrypting the data

According to Gobble, data is as precious as gold and money and that too is easy for the intruders to steal or corrupt it. Along with securing the devices with passwords, one should also prefer securing the sensitive files with encryption. Avoid using similar passwords for multiple devices. Keep your passwords strong enough to crack use Lower-Upper case letters, numbers and special characters. Separate devices should be guard with separate passwords.

Failing to update your softwareOnline Security

Normally many of us (including me) never pay attention to the alerts of the version updates of the software or the apps. However, this carelessness may prove damn severe sometimes. Software or the apps become outdated with the release of the latest version. Developers being so expert in their field after all are the human beings, even they can make mistakes, and hence when these mistakes are fixed they release an updated version of the software. So be in touch of such updates and download from time to time in order to avoid the unwanted circumstances.

Avoid online transaction with non-SSL secured websites

Before you buy any product or do any online transaction, check whether the website or application is secured by SSL certificate or not. It is very important that the payment information traverse between local machines to server should be encrypted. This is where the SSL certificate helps, it encrypt data with high security algorithm and will save you from man in middle attack.

Next time, whenever you use any website or web application, check for given points. It may save you from possible cyber threat.

About Author:

Peggy is Head of Sales and marketing division of theSSLshop. Her vast knowledge domain consists of expertise in marketing of security products with the help of Organic Search Marketing, Paid Search Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Blogging and ecommerce Website Marketing. Click here to find her Google+, Twitter and Linkedin profiles.