Mobile security woes plague US government

Mobile Security IssuesMobile security continues to be a problematic issue for federal government

Mobile security is quickly becoming a major issue for the U.S. government, especially due to the number of agencies that have a heavy reliance on mobile technology. The federal Chief Information Officers Council, an interagency forum that aims to modernize the federal government, highlights mobile security as an issue that should be receiving more serious attention. The Council notes that several agencies are, indeed, moving ahead with mobile security initiatives, but concerted effort is needed to ensure that the sensitive information that is trafficked through mobile devices on a daily basis does not fall victim to exploitation.

Agency highlights the problems of mobile technology and security efforts

The Chief Information Officers Council highlights technical limitations of mobile devices and their associated services as a major problem for mobile security. The Council suggests that federal agencies must adopt more high-tech mobile devices that can more adequately protect their personal information and that of the government they work for. Moreover, very few security-centric mobile applications are approved for use by federal employees. Standards are currently being developed to help expand the availability of such applications, which the Chief Information Officers Council suggests will be a good way to ensure the security of information.

Gap exists between technology and practice

The lack of encryption modules also presents a serious mobile security risk. It is difficult for software developers to create this kind of software for smart phones and other high-tech mobile devices because of the rapid pace at which these devices are becoming more advanced. Changes to operating systems and smart phone technology have created a significant gap that separates the capabilities of modern mobile security solutions and mobile devices.

Cost remains a problematic hurdle

Cost is one of the reasons why federal agencies have avoided mobile security initiatives in the past. Most federal employees have smart phones and other such devices. In order for some agencies to bolster their mobile security endeavors, they would have to replace all of these mobile devices, which accounts for a massive investment of taxpayer money.

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