Tag: wearable technology security

Mobile security issues becoming apparent with wearable tech

As the number of smartwatch and smartband wearers grows, the amount of data tracking increases, too.

According to the results of a recent mobile security study that have just been published, the users of wearable tech devices can become the victims of cyber attacks, personal data breaches, or simply basic tracking by an individual with a low budget and a small amount of knowledge on the subject.

In fact, the study showed that all that is required is about $70 worth of hardware to track a wearable tech user.

The study was conducted by Symantec, the online and mobile security giant. Its researchers came up with a very simple design that brought a Bluetooth radio module together with a Raspberry Pi computer that was capable of scanning the area for the signals of wearable technology. The device was brought to various parks and sporting events where the researchers were then capable of recording the data that was being broadcasted by devices that were nearby.

The mobile security “attack” went completely undetected by the device users because no attempt was made to connect.

The device made by the researchers never attempted to make a connection with the specific wearables that were being tracked. This was not required because the data was collectable due to the sheer simplicity of the wearable tech, which communicates with more complex devices – such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops – in order to make its information usable to the wearer.

The researchers brought the detection devices to public places in Ireland and Switzerland. They found that among all the types of mobile devices that are carried by people in these types of location, it was wearables that were particularly easy to track. According to the team, in a blog post that they made on the subject, “All the devices we encountered can be easily tracked using the unique hardware address they transmit.”

Among the types of mobile security vulnerability that were found in these devices, the researchers were also capable of remotely probing the gadgets to reveal identifying information or serial numbers. That said, they felt that this type of information would be considered to be “trivial” by people who have computer knowledge and who would be capable of actually accessing this data.

The legality of wearable technology is gaining attention

Legal issues concerning the use of wearable devices attracts notice in Australia

As wearable technology gains more attention, the possible legal issues concerning the use of wearable devices is also attracting more attention from lawmakers in several countries. The Australian Law Reform Commission has begun discussion on how wearable devices could be used for illegal purposes. Google Glass, for instance, could be used to record video and audio without appropriate consent from the subject being recorded. The legal issues that wearable technology has unearthed could prevent the use of devices like Glass in the future.

Organization releases recommendations concerning the legal issues associated with wearable devices

The Australian Law Reform Commission has recommended 47 legislative changes concerning privacy and the use of wearable technology. The organization has suggested that legislation concerning the use of wearable devices to invade someone else’s privacy. Such a legislation would mark the first time the Australian government has taken steps to legally defend the privacy of a single person. The organization is also suggesting the privacy laws be drafted based on those that already exist concerning government surveillance.

Glass has come under fire in the US and elsewhere

Google Glass has been the subject of legal debates throughout the world, but these debates are not always focused on the possibility of invasion of privacy. In some states in the U.S., the use of Glass has already been prohibited amongst drivers. The reasoning behind this ban has to do primarily with the possibility of the device distracting drivers in the same way that other mobile devices do. Glass is not the only wearable device that has come under fire, of course, but it has become the most popular device to receive legal attention.

Legal issues could limit the use of Glass and similar devices

Devices like Glass can easily be used to record conversations and video without consent. These devices can also be used to find out sensitive information about a particular person using facial recognition technology and similar features. Because these devices could be used for potentially malicious purposes, the legal issues concerning the use of these devices in public are beginning to receive more attention.

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