Tag: uk mobile commerce

Mobile commerce takes off with greater retail investments

The channel is booming as brands and companies discover that consumers are buying over their devices.

The latest figures have now been released from the e-Retail Sales Index from IMGR Capgemini, which has revealed that their mobile commerce index is continuing a rapid rise as retailers continue to catch on.

The massive year over year and month over month growth is being credited to retailer adoption.

The report from the latest index indicated a 136 percent growth when June of this year was compared to that of last year, and when May was compared to June this year, an 8 percent growth was recorded. Conversion rates had also experienced a considerable increase, which would prove highly appealing to retailers.

Mobile commerce conversion rates rose massively from 1.27 percent in June 2012 to 2.03 percent this year.

At the same time, retailers are seeing that the spending rates and conversion rates over the tablet mobile commerce channel are approaching those of desktops. This is an opportunity that many of them are refusing to ignore. Even specific sectors are showing promising growth, causing the companies in those areas to get on board.

In the U.K, clothing sales over mobile commerce saw a year over year growth in June of 29 percent, as summer wardrobe updates were made at the start of the season. Even more promising was the area of home and garden products, which saw a year over year growth of 35 percent in the same month as the winter was left long behind and landscaping, gardening, and home reno projects got started. Even travel rose over this channel as summer vacations were planned, with a year over year growth of 15 percent and a 4 percent month over month rise.

According to the Capgemini vice president and head of retail consulting and technology, Chris Webster, as consumer confidence continues to grow in mobile commerce and purchasing with their tablets and smartphones, the index is remaining very strong. The findings from their analysis is only underscoring existing evidence that wireless technologies have brought a great deal to the doorstep of the retail sector, and those companies are not failing to take hold.

Mobile commerce may thrive if banks get more involved

Report shows consumers want mobile commerce platforms from their banks

A new report from the Future Foundation, a global research firm, suggests that consumers in the United Kingdom may be more willing to participate in mobile commerce if payment platforms came directly from their banks rather than from third party groups. Mobile commerce has been gaining prominence around the world, but many consumers remain wary of paying for products using their smartphones and tablets. These consumers often cite security concerns and worry that their financial information may be put at risk through their participation in mobile commerce.

Banks are growing more interested in mobile payments

Many banks and financial services firms have shown a great deal of interest in mobile commerce. These organizations typically embrace mobile payments and allow for consumers to use their accounts to make such transactions. Few of these banks offer their own mobile payment platforms, however, opting instead to support those being offered by third parties, such as Google and Isis. In the United Kingdom, this may be driving consumers away from mobile commerce.

Consumers may have more confidence in mobile commerce if banks get involved

The report shows that 57% of consumers would have more trust in mobile commerce applications coming from their own banks. The report also shows that approximately half of the country uses a mobile device to purchase products online. Consumers claim that they would spend more money in mobile commerce if they could trust their applications. Therefore, if banks begin supporting their own mobile commerce platforms, transactions made through mobile devices may see aggressive growth.

Strict regulations foster secure environment for mobile payments

One of the reasons that consumers would trust mobile commerce applications from their banks has to do with the regulations that exist to manage these banks. Financial services firms are saddled with a great deal of responsibility and must adhere to strict standards that are generally imposed by government organizations. These regulations put a major emphasis on security, which could foster confidence among consumers when it comes to mobile commerce.

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