Tag: tablet commerce statistics

Tablet Commerce is seen as increasingly vital to online sales

Although smartphones provide a very important channel, it’s the larger screens that bring in the big sales.

While smartphones may be attracting a great deal more attention from the media than tablet commerce, the story is notably different when it comes to the perspective of the retailer.

These merchants have recognized that the larger screens are the most important place for focus.

Tablet commerce is vital to retailers because these bigger mobile devices are used by consumers to do more of their online retail browsing than smartphones. Even though the penetration rate of smartphones is greater than that of tablets among consumers in the United States, the larger screens make up notably more retail traffic and sales than the smaller counterparts.

It is this knowledge that makes tablet commerce the most important channel in mobile.

BI Intelligence has recently released a report that examined the entire mobile commerce environment and determined that retailers have taken their time in differentiating between the performance of tablets and of smartphones. M-commerce as a whole and the individual branch of t-commerce provide different results, and merchants are only just now starting to recognize this and take action on what they know.

The report has made some recommendations for retailers and where they should be placing their focus in order to respect the importance of tablet commerce. The reason that they feel that they should prioritize the larger screen include:

• Higher order values than those made over smartphones and four times the overall revenue (at an average order value of $151 over tablets and $124 over smartphones).
• More overall traffic from larger screen devices.
• Greater retail traffic as consumers prefer visiting retail websites over tablets than over smartphones.
• Improved conversion rates as larger mobile devices convert seven times more than smaller when it came to paid search clicks in the United States. The iPad brought in the vast majority of those conversions.
• Better user demographic, as tablet computers are more likely to be owned by consumers and households that are within the higher income bracket, which are key targets for retailers.

Tablet commerce is reaching dominance in mobile

When compared to smartphones, these devices are being used on an increasing basis for shopping.

As consumers become increasingly reliant on their mobile devices for everything from communication to purchasing and payments, data is starting to reveal that it is tablet commerce that is racing forward at the fastest pace within the m-shopping space.

While smartphones are still in the lead, their larger screen cousins are beginning to catch up.

The latest research from MasterCard has shown that there is a great deal of debate regarding the importance of the role of tablet commerce in mobile shopping as a whole. Smartphones are a great deal more common, but purchases aren’t being made as often or in as high a value on them as their bigger mobile counterparts.

Now, a new study is suggesting that tablet commerce may soon virtually replace smartphone shopping.

Forrester Research has just released a study that suggests that it is tablet commerce that is paving the way to the future and that these devices may replace smartphones when it comes to searching for products and actually purchasing them. Their data showed that 30 percent of American tablet owners use those devices for shopping purposes.

On the other hand, that same research indicated that only 13 percent of smartphone users have every purchased anything using that mobile device. This indicates that device users favor tablet commerce due to the larger screen size and the features that those machines are able to offer. The bigger screen plays a very important role in the shopping experience because it provides better overall navigation and control, and simply makes pictures and other content easier to see.

The Forrester Research report also predicted the sales in mobile and tablet commerce for this year right through until 2016. According to its forecasts, while smartphones remain in the lead now, tablet commerce will be much more important by the time that the end of its current predictions is reached and $27 billion in sales is achieved overall.

Tablet commerce is expected to have a massive contribution to that total sales figure in the future. Forrester believes that by 2016, 45 percent of mobile shoppers will own these devices.

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