Real-money mobile games could be a powerful source of revenue for publisher

Mobile games are already extremely popular with consumers throughout the U.S., but if these games offered a chance for people to win actual money they may see a significant spike in consumer activity. Glu Mobile, a publisher of mobile games in the U.S., believes that real-money games may be a part of the future of the mobile space. Mobile games that offer consumers a chance to be rewarded for their skill could be a powerful revenue source that has not yet been tapped into.

Glu Mobile teams with Skillz

Despite the popularity of mobile games, Glu Mobile has struggled to report profits since 2007. The publisher has been involved in many sectors of the gaming space, focusing primarily on mobile games, but has been unable to find a strong foothold in any of these sectors. Glu Mobile recently entered into a partnership with Skillz, a pioneer in the realm of real-money games, and believes that it has finally found a place where it can find some profit.

Mobile games awarding real money could be a hit with consumers

Real-money games have yet to find any significant level of popularity, partly due to the misconception that these games involve gambling in some way. These games do not, in fact, involve gambling, however, as they are entirely based on skill and players do not lose anything if they do not happen to perform well in any particular task. Glu Mobile believes that these mobile games can provide a quality experience to consumers while also giving them a powerful incentive to continue playing these games for significant periods of time.

Glu Mobile to launch cash tournament for games

Glu Mobile will be making use of the Skillz platform to introduce cash tournaments to its popular hunting simulator called Deer Hunter Reloaded. Players will be able to compete in this tournament free of charge, allowing a wide range of people to compete for cash prizes. Glu Mobile currently has plans to expand this practice to other mobile games that it is responsible for in the second half of this year.