New Mobile Security PracticeMobile security practice launched by Trustwave

Trustwave, a company specializing in network data and security solutions for businesses, has introduces a new mobile security practice designed to help enterprises embrace the concept of bring-your-own-device (BYOD). As the world becomes more acclimated to mobile technology, workers are beginning to make use of their mobile devices more frequently. Enterprises are beginning to see their employees use smartphones and tablets to conduct business, increasing the need for mobile security solutions that account for the BYOD trend.

Practice to help enterprises become more secure

The new practice from Trustwave offers compliance and risk services that are meant to make mobile devices more secure. It also offers a technology suite that provides enterprises with the solutions they need to make their data networks more secure and guard against the loss or exploitation of data. The practice also makes Trustwave’s SpiderLabs services available. SpiderLabs was developed by a dedicated team of ethical hackers and it is designed to expose the threats that exist in mobile devices and other systems.

Businesses growing more concerned over mobile security

People have become inseparable from their mobile devices, a fact that has caused some concern in the world of business. Because a growing number of people are beginning to conduct business on their mobile devices, the need for more comprehensive mobile security is becoming a serious issue. If businesses are not prepared to tackle the issues that exist in mobile security, they may find themselves exposed to dangerous risks and could become an ideal target for hackers and other malicious parties.

Digital threats gaining more attention in business

While mobile technology has proven to be a boon for many people, it has also exposed them to the risks that have long existed in the digital realm. These risks are not new, having been around since the inception of the Internet. Only recently have serious efforts been made to make mobile devices more secure against these threats, however, and mobile security is slowing gaining prominence within the world of business.