Tag: mobile commerce trends

Mobile marketing trends and why so many are keeping a close watch

Mobile marketing degrees are not being handed out

Mobile Marketing Education isn’t something that stops with a diploma or a degree, and continuing your learning is not a vital element in the majority of most professions, especially for marketers, who must always know the latest developments and trends to ensure that they can offer what their clients want most and how to best engage consumers to create an effective call to action.

Marketers go through their formal education and spend years building job experience, and the lucky ones are hired by a terrific organization. But this doesn’t mean that the learning can end there. Though governing laws may not require a marketer to take continuing education courses or otherwise update their professional knowledge, it remains an integral part of their ability to succeed (and for the ability of their employer to succeed).

PR and marketing professionals must remain on the cutting edge. Today, this means that they need to be aware of the latest developments and trends in the internet and technology. These two industries are moving faster than most people can imagine. Yesterday’s exciting new emerging concepts – such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter – have become common parts of our daily lives and, as such, are also routine elements of marketing campaigns and strategies.

As we’ve been seeing, emerging social media such as Pinterest and Google+ are just starting to find their place, and marketers will need to keep on top of their growing popularity or they will become lost in the trends and fall behind. That said, social media is only the start.

Mobile is opening up a whole world of new opportunities, but for many, it is like starting from scratch once more. QR codes, for example, aren’t just a buzz word anymore, but are becoming both supporting and central elements of massive campaigns. 

The difference mobile search made during the year…

With the ever growing number of smartphones in the marketplace, mobile search has become more important than ever before, but marketers are quickly discovering that their efforts with SEO and other traditional search techniques, cannot be quite the same as they were for the regular web.

Mobile search – unlike traditional laptop and desktop-based queries on search engines – offer different results different results and provide a different way of demonstrating those results depending on the kind of device that is being used – for example, a tablet or a smartphone.

Google has recently announced the development of a search engine crawler that was created specifically for smartphones, and that functions separately and differently from the one it is currently using for the typical feature phone. This is a strong indicator that unique SEO techniques will be required to effectively optimize apps and sites meant for smartphones.

Until now, it has always been believed that Google’s treatment of all mobile devices – from tablets to smartphones to feature phones – has been relatively the same as it has been for PCs, only with a few additional geo-specific results. However, with this recent announcement, it is clear that Google intends to treat the various devices differently, and SEO experts will need to come up with a new strategy that will take this into account.

Mobile commerce may be boon for web merchants

Web merchants may be starting to feel the need to embrace mobile commerce

Mobile payments are rapidly gaining the adoration of consumers around the world. Being able to make purchases for goods and services without using any kind of physical currency is considered to be both convenient and straightforward. For consumers, the advent of mobile commerce simply means a new way to pay for the things they want. The rise of the mobile commerce industry could mean something else entirely for online businesses that rely on the Internet and electronic mediums to serve customers.

Evolution of the Internet brings about significant changes to global market

When the Internet was young, web merchants used to cater only to the most tech-savvy of consumers. Now that everyone seems to have an intimate familiarity with the Internet, web merchants have had to adapt to appeal to a wider, more varied audience. Mobile commerce is the latest challenge that web merchants will have to adapt to or risk being left behind by consumers, lost in the ever growing tide of competition.

Web merchants have flexibility in mobile commerce pursuits

Web merchants have a variety of ways they can approach the issue of mobile commerce, but the vast majority of these approaches rely on NFC technology. Platforms like Google Wallet and the imminent Isis enable consumers to make payments using their smart phones, but businesses must be equipped to facilitate such transactions. Web merchants have some flexibility in the platforms they choose to support because they are not limited to physical technology, such as NFC terminals. This flexibility allows merchants to engage consumers who favor various types of mobile commerce platforms.

Platforms could be ideal for reaching out to consumers

Web merchants embracing mobile commerce will likely find NFC-based platforms ideal for marketing new products, discounts, and loyalty programs. Such initiatives can ensure repeat business, especially if consumers are treated with a memorable and well-crafted experience. Despite the benefits that mobile commerce can bring to web merchants, however, some businesses are expected to see more success in their endeavors than others. Whether mobile commerce is the best option for web merchants in an evolving world market is difficult to say for sure.

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