Tag: keynote mobile commerce performance index

Mobile commerce website load time temporarily slowed

The post holiday rush caused nine of the top ten sites on the Keynote index to slow down.

The Keynote Mobile Commerce Performance Index has revealed that among the top ten sites, nine experienced slower than normal load times during the week that ended on January 5, as a result of heavy use by shoppers who were looking to find a great last minute deal following the official holiday season.

Shoppers continued to search for deals long after the holiday season had already come to a close.

Retailers experienced continued online sales both online and through mobile commerce as shoppers continued to return. This surge following Christmas and New Year placed considerable pressure on websites, particularly those meant for smartphones and tablets. It also added some strain to wireless carrier networks. The result was that page load times slowed down a little bit, according to Keynote’s data from that week.

This shows that online and mobile commerce holiday shopping doesn’t stop at January 1.

Instead this mobile e commerce trend showed that shoppers will continue purchasing as the sales continue in through the first month of the year. This involves a mix of different types of purchases such as through exchanges, buying at discounted sale prices, or shopping with gift cards that were received at Christmastime.

Each of these individual trends adds its own amount of pressure to the overall mobile ecommerce scene. During that week, the average smartphone friendly site homepage load time among the 29 different retailers that make up the index was 7.62 seconds. When compared to the week before, this was slower by 0.62 seconds.

During that week, Sears Holdings Corp. managed to top the index, with a load time of its mcommerce home page load time of 3.13 seconds. Its success rate was a tremendous 100 percent. This earned the company a very strong 986 score out of a possible 1,000 on Keynote’s index.

This was achieved through a light mobile commerce homepage weight of 61 kilobytes made up of only 8 elements. Typically, Keynote’s recommendation is that a site contain only a maximum of 10 to 12 elements (for example, scripts and images) and that it weigh no more than 61 kilobytes to ensure optimal performance.

Barnes & Noble wins top spot on Keynote Mobile Commerce Index

Barnes & Noble wins acclaims for simplistic approach to mobile commerce

Keynote, a leading Internet and mobile cloud testing and monitoring firm, has released the latest results of its Keynote Mobile Commerce Performance Index. The Index ranks companies based on their mobile commerce services and consumer engagement in e-commerce. Companies that offer accessible mobile commerce services to consumers generally earn the top spot on the Index. According to Keynote’s latest results, the top company in this regard is Barnes & Noble.

Simplicity may be the best approach

Barnes & Noble has managed to reach the top spot on the Keynote Index due to its very simplistic approach to mobile commerce. The company, which boasts of a strong online presence, offers services that are both easy-to-use and convenient for consumers that like to shop from their mobile devices. Other retailers tend to provide somewhat complicated services to consumers, which can make mobile commerce somewhat of a hassle for those wanting to purchase products from their mobile devices. Barnes & Noble, however, believes that simplicity is the key to success.

Company continues to beat out competitors in retail

The company has managed to beat the odds when it comes to the retail sector. Specializing in book sales, Barnes & Noble has been fighting to retain a strong presence in the retail industry as consumers become more tech-savvy. In 2011, one of the company’s major competitors, Borders, went out of business due to lackluster sales of physical products. Borders had a very modest presence in the online world and was not accommodating to mobile commerce, which contributed to the company’s downfall. After Borders became defunct, Barnes & Noble was quick to acquire its competitors trademarks and customer list.

Simplicity may help company retain top spot in Index

When it comes to e-commerce, Barnes & Noble’s major competitor is Amazon. Keynote notes that the company has managed to acquire a great deal of favor from consumers due to its focus on making its mobile commerce services simple and accessible. If the company can continue offering easy-to-use services, it may continue earning the top spot on Keynote’s Index.

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