InMobi launches new Miip platform that will bolster mobile shopping

InMobi, a prominent advertising platform, has launched a new mobile shopping platform in India that is meant to enable discovery-lead commerce, sometimes referred to as d-commerce. The platform is called Miip, and it already has the support of Amazon India, Paytm, a leading mobile commerce organization, and several other retailers. This support will allow Miip to reach 120 million consumers throughout India, which will result in an estimated 5 billion discovery sessions in the country every month.

Miip will leverage discovery commerce in order to aid retailers

Miip is meant to usher in a new era of mobile shopping, leveraging d-commerce as a powerful tool to help consumers find what they are interested in. According to InMobi, retailers, both large and small, are having difficulty getting consumers to discover and explore the products that they offer. Miip is meant to help resolve this problem by creating a personalized mobile shopping experience that will make it easier for merchants to expose consumers to the products that they have. InMobi believes that Miip will drive as much as 80% of new product discovery for merchants and the platform will work to foster the growth of mobile payments in the retail sector.

Mobile shopping is now a major influence on the retail space

Mobile shopping is becoming a major force in the retail space. According to Amazon India, more than 60% of its traffic comes from the mobile space, with a significant number of shoppers using applications in order to shop for and purchase products they are interested in. Mobile shopping is seen as a convenient way to participate in e-commerce, as mobile devices can be used anywhere and at any time, as long as they have access to a mobile network.

Retailers are trying to find ways to engage mobile consumers

India has established itself as a leading mobile market and mobile commerce has begun to thrive in the country. As such, many retailers in the country have begun to focus more heavily on the mobile space in order to better engage consumers. Some have had difficulty in doing so, however, and Miip may be able to provide assistance with this and help retailers modernize themselves.