Category: Mobile Marketing

4 Tips to Improve Your Mobile Marketing Strategy

While general online marketing was once every business’s primary focus, you now need to adapt your strategy to a variety of devices and gadgets…

and that most importantly includes mobile marketing. Consumers use their phones for the majority of their online activity, including scouting out new websites, businesses and ordering online shipments. With this in mind, it’s crucial that your marketing strategy is adapted to mobile, and here’s how to do it.

SEO Strategy Specifically for Mobile Searches

Having an optimized SEO strategy is one thing, but did you know that it needs to vary for different devices? Mobile search is significantly different to desktop searching via Google, which means relevant content needs to be adapted to mobile searches, and this means tailoring your SEO specifically for mobile.

As you’ll know yourself, when you are searching on your mobile phone, it tends to be for either a quick enquiry during the course of your day, or else during a time when you’re not prepared to read pages of text scrolling on your computer, and prefer to have succinct answers to your questions. This, therefore, is exactly how your content needs to be tailored.

Content should be informative and brief, and as minimal as possible, along with a fast page loading time and a responsive design, meaning that consumers can easily see all the tabs and buttons.

Consider a Mobile App

Along with a higher rate of mobile usage for consumer activity, there is also a significant rise in the popularity of apps. Most businesses have an app alternative to their website, making transactions and business a lot easier. A brand app can be a worthwhile investment to improve the user experience of your customers and increase positive interaction.

When it comes to developing system items such as apps and getting to grips with development in technology, an educational background in the field can really help. If you’re looking to further your understanding of computer technology, it may be a good idea to consider an electrical and computer engineering degree to further your technical expertise and apply it to your business.

Incorporate Mobile Ads

With ad-blocking capabilities on the rise, especially on smartphones, it can be difficult to maintain a good mobile ad campaign without forcing someone to block it or become annoyed by constant interruptions and pop-ups. However, mobile ads are beneficial to your business, so if you can incorporate them in a non-disruptive manner, you should try to do so. Interactive ads and engaging videos can be a better format to do this.

Enable Geolocations

Consumers like to know what is happening around them, and receive information and alerts which are applicable to their location. That’s why geolocation capabilities are great features of mobile marketing. The possibilities are endless with geolocation; you could develop your app to attune to a consumer’s location and present information relevant to that, or offer promotions or discounts relevant to where the customer might be.

4 Steps to Take When Scaling Up as an SME

Small to medium sized enterprises (SMEs) face a unique set of challenges when attempting to scale up into the realm of large corporations.

The upper end of the SME spectrum already represents a high level of business, so to expand even further can require an entirely new way of doing things. In other words, whatever has been working for the company thus far may not even be applicable once you being to scale into the big leagues. If you’re trying to bring your business from a burgeoning SME to a Fortune 500 company, check out the following four tips:

  1. Switch to Managed Services

When your operations are still relatively manageable, it’s easy to leave all technological tasks in-house. However, as business volume begins to increase dramatically, and the load on your servers and software systems becomes intense, you ‘ll eventually find the need to upgrade to fully managed services. For example, many larger companies are starting to use software-defined wide area networks (SD WANs) to increase bandwidth availability and boost network performance. Of course, the logical next step would be to find a company that can help you manage such complex systems effectively.

  1. Develop Advanced Productivity Systems

Maximizing productivity is absolutely essential when you’re trying to compete in the high rankings of any modern industry. To achieve this goal, you may need to start using enterprise project management platforms, employee performance monitoring software, productivity coaching and consultations, and any other products or services that can help your teams get more done in less time.

  1. Set Growth Goals and Projections

If you examine the leadership practices of major corporations, one thing you’ll notice that they all have in common is the policy of holding well-planned business meetings to discuss the short-term future of the company. Creating a comprehensive game plan that is designed to facilitate precise achievements will keep your entire company on the same page as you work towards very specific and realistic goals.

  1. Bring in New Leadership

If your current management team has never dealt with the difficulties of operating a major corporation, it’s unlikely that they’ll be the best candidates for the job going forward, That’s not say that you should immediately fire everyone who has helped your company get to where it is today, but it’s definitely wise to consider the addition of leaders who possess extensive experience in corporate administration.

Bonus Tip: Arrange Flexible Financing

Finally, one more step you can take to position your SME for optimal growth is to reduce the overall cash flow burden by arranging more flexible forms of financing such as invoice factoring. Essentially, it’s good to consider any form of financing that will allow you to make investments, purchase inventory, fulfill orders, and perform other crucial operating tasks without significantly hurting your bottom line. While creating an exuberant amount of company debt isn’t recommended, it’s better to rely partially on external financing than to depend solely on the company’s available capital.


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