Author: JT

PayPal mobile commerce represented 1 in 3 Thanksgiving and Black Friday sales

Of all the online orders processed by the payment platform, one third were transacted over mobile.

According to new PayPal mobile commerce data, one third of online purchases on Thanksgiving and Black Friday using that payment method were from smartphones or tablets.

Mobile devices made up one third of the total payment volume over PayPal on those two days.

These PayPal mobile commerce statistics also help to illustrate the importance of that payment platform to e-commerce as a whole. It is clear that consumers are using this transaction method on an increasing basis to complete their online purchases. When it comes to some of the top shopping days of the year such as Thanksgiving and Black Friday, that can make a significant impact on retailers’ bottom lines.

The recent data suggesting that one third of PayPal payments for online purchases on those two days only underscores reports from other sources. Data analyses from other firms also suggest a similar trend where mobile accounted for about a third of Black Friday online spending.

The PayPal mobile commerce figures align very closely with the data from Adobe regarding Black Friday.

Adobe’s data pointed out that online sales during that one shopping day broke the $3 billion mark. It also pointed out that mobile devices accounted for just over a billion of those transactions.

The new figures from PayPal only add more weight to the confirmation of that trend. This also helps to provide insight into a larger part of the market, as its data adds to that from other payment methods.

PayPal currently has more than 192 million active customers as well as 15 million active merchants.

The shopping trend for both Thanksgiving Day as well as Black Friday revealed that about one third of its online purchases were through PayPal mobile commerce. This helps to show that it was not just a single day blip but that it may be a consistent trend in online shopping. This was particularly true as the total payment volume was not the same on both days. Still, the percentage of mobile shopping remained steady despite the difference in total spending.

Black Friday mobile commerce war starts early at Walmart

The retail giant has moved its Cyber Monday sale to the day after Thanksgiving to keep competitive.

Walmart has announced that its Black Friday mobile commerce will be the new Cyber Monday this year. The move was taken to help to avoid a detrimental shopping lull over the weekend after Thanksgiving.

Instead of making people wait for online sales, Walmart is evening out the in-store and mobile experience.

Many have speculated that dragging out Black Friday mobile commerce is a move to compete with Amazon. That online marketplace has offered stiff competition to Walmart. As Amazon operates exclusively online, it has had a considerable advantage over this vital holiday shopping long weekend.

Shoppers are now eyeing the retailer to find out precisely what the deals will be. This isn’t the first time Walmart moved online and mobile commerce ahead from Cyber Monday. Last year, its online sales were launched on a Cyber Sunday instead. Promotions began at 6pm that evening and carried over into the next day.

This Black Friday mobile commerce sale will also reveal a range of new Walmart online shopping features.

This holiday shopping season will also represent the first real test to Walmart’s massive online overhaul. It has made widespread changes to its standard website as well as its mobile shopping experience and app. Moreover, it has a considerably larger number of items available for sale online. Reportedly, this includes approximately 23 million items. Last year at this time, that figure was 8 million items.

A sizeable portion of that increase is due to the rising number of marketplace sellers. There are around 3,000 marketplace sellers on at the moment. This means that shoppers will be able to purchase items on the website beyond what they’d even find in stores.

Recently, Walmart reported that its online and mobile commerce sales had increased by 20.6 percent. It would be safe to say that its website overhaul played a notable role in that growth. This is particularly true as this year’s first fiscal quarter saw only 7 percent growth.

Now, Walmart is looking to Black Friday mobile commerce to up the ante from last year’s holiday season price war.

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